Halfway through 2021- for me this means time to check with the goals I set in January and see what I need to do to get closer to where I want to go.
I made a vision board in January of this year to remind me of what I want out of 2021. I decided to make an updated vision board this week as I re-evaluate my goals for the next 6 months. This vision board will be more specific than the one I made in January! Maybe I will share it at some point.
How do get where you want to go?!
Figure out what exact you want- have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish - think about what that looks like for you, think about how it would make you feel to achieve that goal- imagine yourself having already achieved it! Decide you are committed to accomplishing the goal.
Be open minded- once you’ve decided where you are heading you will start to notice different opportunities coming your way. These might not look how you thought they would or how you wanted them to! So keep an open mind to exactly how you will accomplish your goals.
Weigh the opportunity- when you come across decisions you need to make and opportunities you need to consider, decide if the opportunity or decision you are making is in line with where you are heading. Will saying yes to this get me closer to where I want to go? If yes- than go for it!
Be prepared for opposition When an opportunity crosses your path that aligns with the goal you are heading toward - be prepared to have your mind and even surroundings bring doubt into your mind. Doubt can look like “do you really want this?” Or “are you capable of even doing this?” Things like “you don’t have time” “you’re too busy” “it’s not a good time… next year will be better or the right time” These all could feel true but I encourage you to prioritize your goals and dreams and not let the opposition in whatever form delay you or stop you! Opportunity waits for no one!
Make time for your goals You make time for the things that are important to you. Your dreams and goals are important, make them a priority! We are meant to chase the dreams and goals we have in our hearts - everyone has dreams and ideas of what their best life could look like and they are specific to each person. I believe full heartedly that we wouldn’t have these dreams if we did not have the potential already inside of us to achieve those dreams. The potential inside of us that is capable of achieving our dreams shows itself as we say yes to opportunities that align with our goals.
The next 6 months are going to pass either way- let’s look back at this as the moment as when we made a decision to chase our dreams and welcome opportunities that align with our goals!